Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Microsoft Disavows Internet Explorer: "

Microsoft's MSN site suggests websurfers using Microsoft's Internet Explorer for the Mac switch to another browser!

Fire up that dusty old copy of Explorer and -- if you haven't changed the default homepage -- you'll be greeted by a message at MSN that says:

'If you are using Internet Explorer for Mac, we recommend that you use another browser to have an optimal experience of MSN.'

Of course, Microsoft stopped updating Explorer in 2003, shortly after Apple released Safari."

(Via Cult of Mac.)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

A List Apart: Articles: High Accessibility Is Effective Search Engine Optimization: "Many web designers view search-engine optimization (SEO) as a "dirty trick," and with good reason: search engine optimizers often pollute search engine results with spam, making it harder to find relevant information when searching. But in fact, there is more than one type of search-engine optimization. In common usage, "black-hat" SEO seeks to achieve high rankings in search engines by any means possible, whereas "white-hat" SEO seeks to code web pages in a way that is friendly to search engines."

(Via .)

Monkey Bites: Font me, baby.

Damn straight, bubbah!

Wired 13.12: Why Gas Is Good for America: "So rising oil prices are more than just an irritant or even an ominous nick out of the GDP. They're an invitation to corn and coal and hydrogen. For anyone with a fresh idea, expensive oil is as good as a subsidy - with no political strings attached. Indeed, every extra penny you pay at the pump is an incentive for some aspiring energy mogul to find another fuel."

Daily Show peeps on TV
Your contract goes through 2008. How do you think people will be watching the show then?

Stewart: Through their nipples. I believe the show will come in through one nipple and will be broadcast out the other through some sort of projection device.

Karlin: And if you have three nipples, you're basically walking high definition.

Stewart: No, listen. We make the doughnuts; we don't drive the truck. I have no idea. I assume there are people in white lab coats working on that very thing. And I'm sure at some point it will be in liquid form.

Monday, November 21, 2005

If Sony doesn't do this soon, doom doom doom doom!

Nintendo has it's own online wifi gaming portal. Looks like you can play any game wiht anybody else, who connects up with nintendo's wifi gaming hookup system. THIS is what Sony SHOUDL have had from the start. The PSP is a sweet device, but their piracy worries make them lock down the system...to their own disadvantage.

Sony, pay attention. don't let MarioKart win.

Gaming Violence, Conservatives, and the twisted logic of the anti-gaming league

Why weren't these detractors equally up in arms about, say, the Rainbow Six series? Because games lay bare the conservative logic that governs brutal acts. Violence -- even horrible, war-crimes-level stuff -- is perfectly fine as long as you commit it under the aegis of the state. If you're fighting creepy Arabs and urban criminals, go ahead -- dual-wield those Uzis, equip your frag grenades and let fly. Nobody will get much upset.

Tivo To Go for Mac with PSP and iPod support!

Mac Desktop software

The company also offers a TiVo Desktop software application for Mac and Windows. The software enables users to publish and share digital music, photos, and TiVo recordings between their computers and a networked TiVo Series2 DVR.

Both Mac and Windows versions of TiVo Desktop software are available, though Mac-using TiVo subscribers have noted that the Mac software has languished. In fact, the currently available version — TiVo Desktop for Mac v1.9.1 — is not compatible with Mac OS X v10.4 “Tiger.”

The Macintosh development of the TiVoToGo product isn’t being held up because of that issue, said Denney. In fact, he said that a fix for the TiVo Desktop for Mac software should be released “imminently.”

Saturday, November 19, 2005


Originally uploaded by Sears Wishbook.
Dave! Do you remember thse wishbooks/catalogs? Man, I used to love just looking through these on the couch, watching the christmas tree. of course, I never tried to look at the bra ads. never. You, neither, huh?

Friday, November 18, 2005

NPR's "My Lobotomy" on MP3: "Mark Frauenfelder:
Ryan says: 'Yesterday on NPR's 'All Things Considered,' they aired a segment entitled 'My Lobotomy,'' a story of and narrated by a 56-year old bus driver from California named Howard Dully who underwent an transorbital (a.k.a. icepick) lobotomy in 1966 at the age of 12.

'Since his lobotomy, Mr. Dully has been tortured with the thought of how his life, personality, and soul was changed by the brutal procedure. I'm an avid NPR listener and this is the single best story I've ever heard on air.' MP3 Link"

(Via Boing Boing.)

Thursday, November 17, 2005

My wife may start actually using my PSP for this game. HAh!

Lemmings for the PSP - New Screenshots: "Source: PALGN

We've managed to obtain the latest images of Lemmings, which is coming to the PSP and is set for release early next year.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Ok, yes, this is Mac-centric, but Look! The $100 laptops they talked about at the conference in DC that I GOT TO GO TO will be in production SOON. Welcome, Third World, to the Internets!

The Cult of Mac Blog: ""

(Via .)

< sarcasm> wonderful. < /sarcasm>

The New Monogamy - Marriage With Benefits: "In fact, it’s rare to find hetero couples where the guy is willing to entertain even fantasies involving other men. Christen, a 33-year-old performance artist, says that neither she nor her husband are ‘conventionally straight,’ so they ogle men and women together—like ‘pretty boy Mig from Rock Star: INXS.’ But we found that male-female couples like this are few and far between."

(Via .)

The New Monogamy - Marriage With Benefits: "       

The New Monogamy
Until death do us part—except every other Friday.

By Em & Lo

(Photo credit: Phillip Toldeano)
Claire is a pretty, 31-year-old Park Sloper who studies furniture design. Her husband, Alex, is a 32-year-old Web-design consultant with a fondness for floral shirts. He’s the center of attention at a party; she’s the one off to the side, seemingly aloof but really just shy. That’s why she was shocked when, more than a year into their relationship, she was the one who found herself attracted to someone else.

‘I was totally confused, because I’d assumed that once I found ‘the one,’ I would be done with all that,’ says Claire. ‘Going through all this was hard for us as a couple.’ "

(Via NewYorkMetro.)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Oh, Yeah, baby! This is MY car. MINE! Step OFF!

VW's W/ iPod in the front and PSP in the: "http://pspmagazines.com/pspm/mags/VWPSP1.jpg

HPA Motorsports, best known for its 500-hp, twin-turbo Golf R32 that was featured in Gran Turismo 4 as well as various national automotive mags. In one of the coolest moves ever by an automaker, VW called up the people at HPA and asked if they wanted to build some project vehicles together for SEM. The result is three officially sanctioned vehicles that bend the rules of tuning to their breaking point.

Not to mention the integrated dual iPods in the front and matching integrated dual PSP's in the rear...


(Via PSPMagazines.com (RSS 0.91).)

Monday, November 14, 2005

Wired 9.12: The Geek Syndrome: "Nick is building a universe on his computer. He's already mapped out his
first planet: an anvil-shaped world called Denthaim that
is home to gnomes and gods, along with a three-gendered race known as kiman.
As he tells me about his universe, Nick looks up at the ceiling, humming
fragments of a melody over and over. 'I'm thinking of making magic a form
of quantum physics, but I haven't decided yet, actually,' he explains.
The music of his speech is pitched high, alternately poetic and pedantic
- as if the soul of an Oxford don has been awkwardly reincarnated in the
body of a chubby, rosy-cheeked boy from Silicon Valley. Nick
is 11 years old."

(Via Wired.)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I think I want one of these for Xmas this year.

Replica of Charlie Brown's Xmas tree: "

The tree is an exact replica of the tree from the famous cartoon, made of wire branches and plastic needles with a criss cross wooden base. The bendable branches allow you to make it look just how you want, super pathetic or just kind of pathetic. The tree comes with one red Christmas ball ornament.


(Via Boing Boing.)

Really puts it into perspective, doesn't it?

Eyeballing ANWR with Google Earth: "Xeni Jardin:

Boing Boing reader Jim says,

It's final innings for the Arctic Wildlife Refuge in Alaska as Congress gets ready to fill it with oil wells. The Sierra Club has done some cool Google Earth maps in an attempt to show people what's at risk and what it's really like there -- face it, most of us will never visit the Refuge -- that's why it's wild. My favorite map is the one that shows all the oil wells already in the Arctic. You don't need a label to recognize the 5 percent that's been saved by having the Refuge.

(Via Boing Boing.)

FREE font management!!!! Wow.

Do Away With Suitcase?: "While I normally read Amy Hoy's Slash7 blog for her commentary on Ruby on Rails, her post today has much broader appeal. Today she's waxing rhapsodic on LinoType's FontExplorerX, a free font management application for OS X. Although I haven't had the chance to try it myself yet, I find the thought of doing away with Suitcase an appealing one. And at that price, I think most people who need font management will take a chance on it!"

(Via MacSlash.)

I think our UU fellowship is showing this flick. I wanna see it.

Boing Boing: Movie -- WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price: "The saddest part of this documentary is a series of shots of abandoned Main Streets, empty store after empty store, with Bruce Springsteen's plaintive version of 'This Land Is Your Land' as accompaniment. But vanquishing thousands of small businesses coast to coast is not Wal-Mart's only crime, its critics say."

(Via .)

This is posted so I can try out this software.

Merlin Celebrates: "

Merlin's Birthday Offer!

Happy Birthday Merlin! Exactly one year ago - on November 9, 2004 - ProjectWizards released Merlin version 1. A project management application developed exclusively for Mac OS X with which each user can effortlessly plan a wide variety of projects.


(Via MacMegasite.)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Read the damn last line. DUDE! I need to write more.

The Rock Of Cathcart Zen: "

‘Get this gutless shit out of my ears,’ Cathcart Zen growled, smashing the radio with a roasted horse leg.

‘But it’s popular,’ whined Metz, the chef.

‘So’s anal sex with schoolgirls. Doesn’t mean I have to listen to it while I eat. Fucking hippies and Seventies queens everywhere. In 1967 John Cale and I would drink a bathtub full of whisky and meth — each — and then go out into Manhattan, hunt hippies, and open up umbrellas in their cocks. This worthless, polite fucking noise offends me. Rock and roll is about sex and anger and declaring that you are alive, not making your fucking grandmother smile while she knits condoms with the Pope’s face on the side. It’s the hymns for the church of booze and pills and cigarettes and orgasms I’m talking about, not some walking colostomy bag in a bad hat singing through his nose about how he’s a waste of a good womb. It’s about being an epic fucking human being. This is why I went into cryogenic hibernation for part of the Seventies, I tell you. They didn’t mention Dean Friedman in Revelations, but I tell you he was on the fucking list right after the seas turn to blood. I was stored under David Bowie’s studio in Berlin. If I’d known Brian Eno would win and everything would sound like it’d been pre-monged for playing in the fucking elevator at Macy’s I would’ve kicked open the hatch, dug up through the floor and gnawed the bastard’s throat out when I had the chance. Did you hear that shit on the radio? I mean, really hear it? Anyone would think Elton John was still alive.’

‘Um… Elton John is still alive.’

‘Fuck! ’ yelled Cathcart Zen. ‘Bring my tank out to the front of the house! There’s WORK to be done!’

(c) Warren Ellis 2005 - originally presented in my livejournal. There were five Cathcart Zen pieces — I needed to get a certain shouty voice out of my system.


(Via Warrenellis.com.)

DUDE! I am SO cutting edge. :)

PSP Wins Popular Science's Gadget of the Year: "source: prnewswire

Every year, the editors of Popular Science magazine review thousands of new products and technologies in pursuit of 100 breakthroughs that merit the magazine's highest honor, the Best of What's New award. Appearing in the much-anticipated December issue of Popular Science -- the most widely read issue of the year -- Best of What's New celebrates the 100 most impressive advancements in 12 categories: Automotive Tech, Aviation & Space, Cars, Computing, Engineering, Gadgets, General Innovation, Home Entertainment, Home Tech, Personal Health, Photography and Recreation.

Leading off each category is one Grand Award winner -- a product or
technology that represents a significant leap over existing technologies. 'The
Best of What's New awards honor innovations that affect the way we live today
and change the way we think about the future,' says Mark Jannot, editor of
Popular Science.

Lo and Behold, it seems the PSP won the Grand Award for Gadget of the year (as it should):

Gadgets: PlayStation Portable (Sony)
The introduction of Sony's PlayStation Portable (PSP) was the moment
portable game consoles stopped being toys. It's smaller than a paperback, with
a wide-screen display and the best-looking and most sophisticated games ever
made for a portable. But it's what you can do on the PSP besides play games
that really separates it from what came before. Listen to music or watch video
from its Memory Stick Duo slot, surf the Web with its integrated Wi-Fi and
browser, or pop in a Universal Media Disc of the latest movie.

(Via PSP Sony PlayStation Portable - News Updated 24/7.)

Yeah Baby! voice Chat. I hope they put out games that aren't MILITARY using it. :)

SOCOM for PSP goes to stores with Voice Chat and Headset Support: "SOCOM for PSP goes to stores with Voice Chat and Headset Support

SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo is going to available in stores in the next day or two and IGN is confirming that the rumors that it would have headset and voice chat support are all TRUE! They scored it a 8.3 and had this nice piece of info in the review. The voice chat is obviously huge but we can't wait till Sony breaks out a usb camera and software for the full blown video chat.

'Speaking of which (pun intended), Fireteam Bravo features headset support. While it won't officially be announced by Sony for another day or two, it's been one of the worst kept secrets in the industry for a little while now. We were only able to test out the voice support for a short while during our time with the game, but what we experienced was great, so keep an ear out for more info on that in very near future.'

The review also points out the multiplayer support is solid and very enjoyable."

(Via PSPDrive.)

Monday, November 07, 2005

Eric Rice :: How to build a 10 minute podcast

Mr Rose helps me refine what I'm doing in easily digestible chunks:

00:60 preview
The :60 preview is derived from the old rule of thumb for giving a presentation: Tell them what you're going to tell them (followed by 'tell them' and 'tell them what you told them') This is only 90 seconds into the podcast, and is the only time that needs to be invested if your specific show's topic is not of interest for the listener. After this preview window, a listener will either stay or go. (Note: this pertains to people who automatically download your show as opposed to picking your show a la carte based on the the show notes/show summary posted around your show on your blog or web site.

For Jeff, who actually has a nano:

Cool Cans With Nano Dock: "
MacaAlly's mTune iPod headphones with a nano dock

MacAlly's mTune is a sweet looking set of cans with a dock for the iPod nano. Only $50 -- though no ship date has been set.

They're cordless, naturally, and don't even require any batteries. There's a standard jack for use with a computer or other music player."

(Via Cult of Mac.)

Man, this has implications on many many levels for me:

Rushkoff's new book Get Back In The Box: "Over the past ten years, I've spoken with a lot of people about this conundrum, its historical context, and the ease with which so many businesses could transcend their reluctance to draw on their own expertise. Invariably, the Fortune 500 CEOs, billionaire entrepreneurs, and intellectual leaders with whom I engaged implored me to share these insights with the audience who needed them most: businesspeople. That's why I'm making such a simple proposition: stop solving your problems from the outside in. Get back in the box and do the thing you actually do best. This disciplined commitment to your own core passion - and not a consultant, ad campaign, or business plan - is the source of true innovation"

(Via Boing Boing.)

For Sean, with Love

James Bond 007: From Russia With Love - Coming to the PSP: "


Electronic Arts today announced plans for a PSP version of the latest installment in the widely successful James Bond videogame franchise, From Russia With Love, starring Academy Award-winner, Sir Sean Connery. The highly anticipated game is scheduled to ship this winter on the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system, the Xbox video game system from Microsoft, and the Nintendo GameCubeTM under the EATM brand. The announced PSP version is scheduled to ship in early 2006.

From Russia With Love, the videogame, will be based on the classic Bond film but also will feature new plot twists, gadgets and characters. Sir Sean Connery, appearing in his first-ever videogame, lent his voice and likeness to the project.

From Russia With Love? for the PSPTM system gives players the opportunity to experience the timeless fiction of the classic James Bond movie on the go. Invest in your character and customize Bond for a whole new level of gameplay options.

Officially licensed by MGM Interactive, From Russia With Love is being developed by EA's Redwood Shores, Calif. Development studio.


(Via PSP Sony PlayStation Portable - News Updated 24/7.)

Thursday, November 03, 2005


So, we're watching TV and one show ends, and it's time for my daughter to pick a new one from the list (we have Tivo)

She looks a the list of recorded shows on the screen and says, " D...D...Doo...Dorrrrr....Dora. I want to watch Dora." And chooses a Dora show to watch.

Our little girl is READING! wow.

I so totally need to make one of these. MMMMMM.

Sandwich cost $47, has 30,000 calories: "Cory Doctorow:
This guy made a $47, 30,000 calorie sandwich, documented it, then ate it.

(via Kottke)

(Via Boing Boing.)

HOWTO Put Porn (or any other movie) On Your iPod

Download and run ffmpegX. Follow the instructions to download and install all the necessary helper applications.

In ffmpegX, click Open and select your porn. Under Target Format, select MP4 H.264, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Selecting the proper preset
Switch to the Video tab. Under Video parameters, set Video Size to 320 x 240, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Setting the movie size
Switch to the Audio tab. Under Audio parameters, set Audio bitrate to anything from 96 to 160, as shown in Figure 3. Higher bitrate = higher quality audio. If you don’t want any audio at all (silent porn!), unselect the Encode audio checkbox.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Dan Dickenson says,


Dan Dickenson says,
Over the last year and a half - the length of time I've owned a Sidekick - I've found a lot of useful mobile sites. Bloglines Mobile has been a boon for feed reading, and as of late, Flickr Mobile has provided mobile photo viewing. And sure enough, both load plenty quick on the PSP. I was digging through my friends' photos - always a fun activity - when I noticed a little button I had never pushed before. One I had wanted to push on my Sidekick, but it just didn't work. Like Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka, I had wanted to push this button for so long but I never had reason to.

The button is labeled "UPLOAD".

I click through, and there's a little button to pick a file. I click it, incredulously. Sure enough, up pops a pane to let me pick a file - either out of /PSP/COMMON or /PSP/PHOTOS/. Having only my wallpaper in the Photos folder, I select it. I click Submit. A few seconds later, it's on my Flickr account.

Tell it, preacher:

Macworld UK - iPod 'iPorno' grows its own search engine: "'Beginning this month, Guba will convert video files from Usenet into the format used by the iPod, known as H.264,' says Reuters.

'We can kid ourselves, but in the end it's probably porn that people want,' Guba CEO Thomas McInerne said."

(Via .)

Every time I see something like this, i realize that I made a good purchase. No, it's not a dead end tech. Sony has big plans for it, and the world is responding. now, if they'd only up their Mac support.

New TV Series Debuts On Sony PSP: "Source: arm

There is nothing new about a TV series launching, but Memoirs, a bio-series looking at the lives of contemporary music artistes, is unique in that it will debut on the Sony Play Station Portable (PSP) before traditional TV channels.

By launching its programming on the ARM powered Sony ’s PSP, the Tokyo based production company Flamingo Features has taken a significant step in changing the way TV programmes are distributed.

‘We believe Sony ’s Play Station Portable will revolutionise the video industry,’ explains Masaharu Kawakami, CEO of Flamingo Features Japan, who predicts the impact on the video industry will be similar to that experienced by the audio industry with the onset of the Apple iPOD .

‘It’s all the excitement of the big screen and the home entertainment system; sized to take anywhere,’ said Memoirs creator and executive producer Austen Tayler, of the Sony PSP, which includes an ARM7 and an ARM9 processor.

The Memoirs series launches in Japan in January 2006. Each programme is 90 minutes long and will be available from the console’s retail chain.


(Via PSP Sony PlayStation Portable - News Updated 24/7.)

Macworld UK - War report: Sony makes 'iTunes' for PSP: "Sony is catching the wave as well. Software development firm Sony Media Software announced PSP Media Manager last night.

This Windows software offers PSP (PlayStation Portable) owners a slick interface for managing assets such as music, photos and movies. It also lets them synchronise their PC content with the PSP.

The software emulates many of the features spearheaded by Apple, including a feature that lets them subscribe to RSS feeds, including podcasts."

(Via .)

The flock guy has his say:

Houston, we have a solution without a problem: "I know that when I download a Mac app for the first time, I go through a process similar to Ryan’s. Typically if I’m not impressed or the value isn’t made obvious to me in first 10 seconds, it will end up in the trash. That’s just how it is.

If I were to apply that metric to Flock 0.4.9, it would probably meet a similar fate after a day or two. It’s just too buggy and too slow to be used as my primary browser. And quite frankly, if I weren’t on the dev team, I’d have no idea when to expect new features, when performance might be improved or when my pet feature might show up. As a result, it would be very easy to pass on Flock (at least for the time being) and stick with what I’ve got.

But we’re not Apple and we’re not building Flock that way. We’re doing something different. We have a vision: to build a world-class browser that focuses not only on bringing information into the browser, but also encourages engagement in web-centered dialogue and discussion. To do this, we’re not going to hole up for a year and then spit out some fantastic product. Our process of designing for inclusivity is nearly as important as the product itself and will, we believe, lead to a much more interesting, usable and powerful tool."

(Via Flock Radio.)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Sony PSP media Manager:

What is wrong with these people. Jeeeebus.

Mac version would be nice! Hellooo!

PSP Media Manager Software System Requirements

Microsoft Windows XP Home, or XP Professional SP1 or later">Sony Media Software - PSP Media Manager: "System Requirements

Microsoft Windows XP Home, or XP Professional SP1 or later"